…and comes back a changed young man. Under the auspices of the Order of Malta, Dannylo joined the Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, the week of August -16 for a week of service. This annual pilgrimage of youth from around the world provided a life changing experience in service, spiritual growth, and fellowship. Danylo’s trip was sponsored by one of Shepherds founders and many time mentors, Hope Carter.

When asked about his experience, Danylo said it was a bit overwhelming at first, he only knew one other person but slowly met lots of other welcoming students from all over the world. Dannylo described the week as eye opening. He was often struck by the many young people who came for healing, many who had serious struggles, yet they had a sense of humor, and great hope.

Dannylo was moved by their joyful attitudes even in the face of difficulty. Dannylo also described his own spiritual experience during the evening Rosary. He was asked to carry the statue of Mary on to the stage where he looked out at the thousands of people gathered with candles and chanting the words of the Rosary; it was a powerful moment.