September 2022 Executive Director Letter

Dear Shepherds Friends, I’ll tempt fate a bit and start this September newsletter off optimistically anticipating a “normal”, healthy, in-person, be together, see each other’s smiling faces year! What makes me think so? Independent of the health context (I’d rather not mention that other word perpetually lurking out there), Shepherds comes off a celebratory 2021-22

Shepherds KCHS ’24 Student, Dannylo Goes to Lourdes, France…

…and comes back a changed young man. Under the auspices of the Order of Malta, Dannylo joined the Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, the week of August -16 for a week of service. This annual pilgrimage of youth from around the world provided a life changing experience in service, spiritual growth, and fellowship. Danylo’s trip